September 7, 2017

How it Works

It’s Simple!

  • 100 Women of Yankton meets two times a year and each member brings a $100 check.
  • Prior to each meeting, members can nominate a nonprofit or cause they feel passionately about via the Nomination Form which is completed and then submitted to the Steering Committee by email at
  • Five unduplicated nominations will be randomly selected.
  • The nominating member will give a five minute presentation about the organization and why the organization was nominated.
  • Present members will vote via ballot and one of the five minute projects will be the recipient of $10,000.
  • Each member, whether present or not, will write a $100 check to the selected nonprofit.

If you’d like to know all the ins and outs, and have some time to spare, you can read the organization’s bylaws for all the information.

100 Women of Yankton – Bylaws